Uptourism Lab


In order to achieve the above purpose, the Laboratory will be active, within the framework of the current legislation, mainly in the following areas of activity for the promotion of science in the subjects of tourism in general.

Αreas of activity

Covering the teaching and research needs at the undergraduate and postgraduate level of the Department of Tourism Studies, by disseminating the generated knowledge, supporting the preparation of undergraduate / postgraduate / doctoral theses and facilitating the conduct of internships through cooperation with various agencies.

Creation of a theoretical, scientific and technological infrastructure for the most efficient possible teaching of the Department’s undergraduate and postgraduate courses related to the objects of the Laboratory.

Conducting basic and applied research, independently or within the framework of funded research programs, on issues related to the teaching and research subjects of the Laboratory.

The Laboratory of Tourism Excellence takes the initiative to hold scientific conferences, seminars, workshops with the subject of the knowledge fields of tourism that it treats. The aim, through the organization of research events, is to transmit knowledge to the wider society and the hospitality ecosystem. The students of the Department will also be involved in this process with the support of the UpTourism Channel.

The Laboratory of Tourism Excellence undertakes the implementation of research and study activity by the members of the Professors of the Department of Tourism Studies, the doctoral candidate researchers and the students of the Department. The researches and studies can cover all the scientific fields treated by the Laboratory. For this purpose, a Research Notes category has been created where students’ research papers are posted following judgment by the members of DEP.

Coordination of relevant research programs in all individual research areas and their functional interconnection from a scientific or administrative point of view.

Provision of services to private and public companies and organizations in the form of data collection, analysis, processing, drafting of opinions and preparation of studies.

The Tourism Studies laboratory is going to prioritize the creation of new knowledge and research with the students of the Department of Tourism Studies which it will then include in the educational process. For this purpose, a series of actions are implemented such as Research Notes, research hackathlons, debates in tourism, business simulations and other actions.

Cooperation with public bodies, organizations, institutes and private companies in Greece and abroad, with the aim of contributing to the study and solving of problems related to the subject matter of the Laboratory.

Dissemination of the provided knowledge through the publication of scientific articles, publications, books, monographs, etc.

Creation of favorable conditions for the participation of undergraduate students who are interested in the research programs and the promotion of postgraduate students for specialization for the future staffing of the Laboratory with the appropriate research staff.

Organization or co-organization of scientific lectures, seminars, workshops, symposia, conferences, educational programs of all kinds and other scientific events to promote the goals and establish the Laboratory.

The upgrading of the Department’s teaching methods with the aim of achieving excellence in education for the benefit of students.

Organization of innovative marathons (hackathons) with the subject of innovation in tourism.

The provision of know-how and the pursuit of excellence in tourism businesses and their organizational functioning.

Support of Professors of all levels and of the laboratory as a whole in knowledge transfer mechanisms of spin-off universities (USOs), thus contributing to the creation of entrepreneurial university ecosystems.